Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
fromDateUTC |
UTC Date/time to filter requests. This date is compared with the EntityInsertDate. |
date |
Required |
rowLimit |
Maximum number of rows to return. Returns first N rows since fromDateUTC. Set value to 0 to returrn all rows. |
integer |
Required |
lastEntityID |
Last EntityID returned in the previous call. For the initial call this should be set to an empty GUID: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'. If setting a rowLimit this property must be set to a proper EntityID (either last or empty). If not using rowLimit (rowLimit = 0) this should be set to an empty GUID. |
globally unique identifier |
Required |
token |
API access token |
globally unique identifier |
Required |